you jump, i jump

ImageToday feels like that giddy bus ride to Sagada. AJA!


2013. Wow. I suddenly wonder, “how many bloggers and writers have started their posts with ‘2013”? A LOT probably. πŸ™‚

Anyway, this year, my husband and I, plan to work on some serious income-generating projects. Right now, for us to fully grasp the idea and really “oil” this future machine, our skype and bbm conversations have turned into mini-brainstorming sessions. No more facebook for me now, as I “google search” everything there is to know about the project. Hubby does that too. Too many information you can find online. Thank you to the sources, hehe. Slowly, we are going to build an empire. πŸ˜€

In relation to this, one of the most important things I have learned from having my dad as my boss is, the love for your work. He said, when you love what you are doing, you will never get tired no matter how much effort and time you’ve poured into this job. True enough, the only thing that tires us is a poor sales performance or an efficient staff leaving her job.

So, when my husband told me about this project, I right away felt there’s going to be future in this. This is something that he loves, one of the many somethings that he does best. The only flaw would probably be time constraints. But as we all know, when you love something or someone, we all make time for it. Plus, there’s never going to be a time limit. Charot. πŸ˜€

I cannot wait for Step One to start. The “about-to-take-off” state, usually, is the most crucial – it’s when you gather up all your data, and back it up with a full blown marketing plan. But, we have done this before. This is, in a way, similar to planning a wedding, or opening a new branch.

Everything must start from scratch. πŸ™‚ So that Steps 2 to Β Steps 1000 will immediately follow πŸ˜€

So, year of the snake, please be nice to Mr. and Mrs. May luck be on our side this year.

Updates soon!