and her memories

History said this church was built in 1904; wow, 108 years of memories.
St. Mary The Virgin Church, Sagada, Mountain Province


This post may be long. I have been meaning to write since late last year, but I guess, I didn’t have much time then.

I would like to write these down while they are still fresh from my mind, while I can still see them vividly in my head.

1. I received the most frustrating letter last December. It was raining very hard then. Our dear old street was, as expected, flooded with thigh-high waters.

The letter was from the C. Embassy.

My fiance (husband now) invited me to visit him in his country after our April wedding. Sort of a honeymoon. The entire year of 2011, we were preparing our documents; a property was even transferred to my name for more credibility; made several visits to the photo studio just to comply with the strict photo requirements etc. etc. ; completed everything; double checked the checklist; went through the entire thing again; made so many long distance calls to the embassy call center, etc. etc. — finally submitted the requirements — after two weeks — yun na, my world just fell apart; i never expected i would receive a refusal of entry to C.

That was the day before my best friend got married. (I have so many friends who got married this year!)

A year of prep, and all i had in my hand was a final letter from them. That night, I talked to my fiance (husband now) and told him that I couldnt join him back. Gaah.

I think I cried my eyes out that night. I had a big ‘why??!’ in my head and i fell asleep with it also.

When i think about it now, I still cannot pinpoint the mistake I’ve made while applying for that visa;  although, maybe, it isn’t my time yet to leave my flooded street.

But anyway, it would have been sooo nice…

2. Give-away. Most friends got married. December, February, September! I was fully booked. hehe. My friends have finally found their truest loves. Gone are the heartaches and all the bad feelings that go with it. 🙂

3. RIP. Our technician, FC, passed away before Christmas, December 15 — the happiest day for our business (bonus pay day). He was riding his motorcycle, along the main road, had a few drinks and slammed onto an incoming motorcyle. He was supposed to marry his long time girlfriend who was working overseas.

Even up to now, I still remember FC. There was one time I dream about him, the day before my wedding. RIP friend.

4. While all of these were happening, my fiance and I were also busy preparing for our April wedding. Separate post for this soon.

5. Our business opened a brand new store at the southern part of the island. It is the biggest. We got soooo busy. It’s usually the take off (before the grand opening) that has proved to be the most difficult part. Imagine an ample load of work in a very scheduled time table. A miss and a mistake can give you a domino effect and delay everything. At the take off is where the bulk of my work is.

We have experienced a lot of delays, but we pulled through and had a very successful grand opening week.

Thanks to JC.

This has to be it for now.



is back

this is the third blog i’ve created.

my first and second are currently ‘dormant’, and although there are hundreds of posts there, i have a feeling those blogs seem to have reached their farthest end.

my first blog is all about awakening, the second is re-awakening, and this one… this is, well, the re-re-awakening — the awakening from the re-awakening. (how plenty aw@*@#! ) .


my blogs seem to signify different stages in my life. and there’s no hidden purpose in there whatsoever. i have just realized this upon signing up here at wordpress. hehe.

i guess like any other student out there, when a new school year is coming, there’s got to be a new pen and a fresh clean notepad.  no one start the year carrying their old notes with them, don’t they?

so yes, ___ is back.

Welcome friends. Scratch that itch, and write with yours truly. 😉

